Abstract Submission

Deadline for abstract submission: 10th April 2025

submit your abstract

General Guidelines

English is the congress language.
Abstracts must be submitted online only

Abstract Structure

1. Do not exceed 300 words
2. Font: Arial; Size: 11; cpi Letters: fully justified
3. Submit in a doc/docx format (Word) file
4. The title in UPPER CASE
5. Main text body includes: background, hypothesis, methods, results, conclusion
6. Do not include bibliography
7. Indicate in the portal whether oral or poster presentation & select which category
8. Do not include names and affiliations in the main body of the abstract (for blind judging)- only in the platform
9. First name followed by surname, i.e. Andrew Smith
10. Affiliation: institution, city, country only

Submission Process

1. Follow the directions of the online submission process.
2. Editing is only available in the draft form.
3. Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted.

Acceptance Policy

1. After submission, changes will not be accepted.
2. Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted.
3. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
4. Accepted abstracts will be presented on the condition that the presenting author has paid the registration fee.
5. Maximum 2 abstracts (oral or posters) per presenter

Terms & Conditions

Payment of the registration fee is not associated with the acceptance of the abstract.
In case of rejection or withdrawal of an abstract, there will be no reimbursement of registration fee.
The abstract submission indicates consent for EHS publication in the official programme.
The Scientific Committee will decide if the abstract will be an oral or a poster presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.
You will receive the decision of the Scientific Committee no later than 31st May 2025.

For queries, please contact the Congress Secretariat by email: dimitra@globalevents.gr